Beth Miller
Create the change you desire
Connection inspires me daily. Parents trust me to listen without judgment and show empathy for whatever they are facing in their family. I understand their desire to improve their interactions and relationships with their children. It is rewarding to help moms and dads tap into their strengths, practice new approaches, and create lasting change.
As your parent coach, we will work together to discover your strengths and uncover what matters most to you. You will gain the awareness and the skills to respond intentionally to situations, rather than react impulsively. Whether you are struggling with a three-year-old who tantrums when told “No,” a ten-year-old who argues when it’s time to turn off his video game, or a teenager who uses an eye-roll to communicate with you, we will design practical steps to effectively address situations. You will experience kids who listen more and whine less. You will smile more and nag less. You will enjoy a more positive relationship with your children and greater harmony in your household.
Real-Time Parenting
My connection with two PCI coaches, Amy Armstrong and Mary Funari, led to our book, Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment. This informative guide empowers you to discover what is true and most important for your family. Gain clarity about the changes you would like to make and create a personalized action plan for your unique family.
Real-Time Parenting offers research, stories, exercises, and tools for you to create positive change in the heat of everyday moments. Our mission is to help you raise awareness about who you are as a parent right now and who you aspire to be at your best. We offer ten practical tools and share a specific “STEP” model to help improve daily interactions. Our book guides you to feel more effective, gain confidence, and experience greater joy. Find out more at Real-Time Parenting.
My background and training
My background provided the foundation for my work with parents. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Special Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The early years of my career were dedicated to adolescents, teaching high school students with learning disabilities and behavior disorders. After I obtained a M.Ed. in School Counseling from Loyola University of Chicago, I worked as a guidance counselor. I saw first-hand how impactful parents and the home environment were on my students.
When I became a mother in 1992, I shifted my career focus from high schoolers to parents with young children. I joined the staff at Tuesday’s Child, a non-profit agency in Chicago providing parent education and early intervention. I embraced my role as Parent Counselor and Program Director. I enjoyed working as part of a multi-disciplinary team providing education and support to parents of children with behavioral and developmental challenges.
My passion for parenting grew while raising my three boys. Being a mother has been an extraordinary honor and joy. I know firsthand the delight and challenges that children bring to our lives! I am forever grateful to my beautifully imperfect sons for being my best teachers and greatest inspiration.
My interest and enthusiasm for helping families led to the PCI where I received my Parent Coaching Certification® I next completed instructor training through Action for Children in Columbus, Ohio, and I am certified to teach The Art of Positive Parenting. This course focuses on helping parents create a mutually respectful family environment.
I currently coach parents privately, in-person or via Zoom. In addition, I facilitate parenting groups, teach parenting classes, and provide presentations to businesses, schools, and community groups.
My husband and I live in Wilmette, a suburb of Chicago. We are grateful to have raised our three sons here. In my free time I love traveling, yoga, paddle boarding, and spending time with family and friends.
What Parents Say After Coaching With Me
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