Empower Parents From Within
My first studies were in the field of Pharmaceutical Science. What I especially enjoyed about this work was knowing about health and wellness in order to support other’s well-being.
Since my first child was born in 2013, I start exploring the world of parenting. In 2015 I received a certification as an International Certified Lactation Consultant IBCLC and as an AATH Parent Educator at 2016. In this work, I guide parents during the most vulnerable years—early childhood--and encourage and empower them to find their one unique identity, to recognize their own strengths and style.
Since 2016 I and several colleagues founded “Kyklos,” a women’s center providing support during the perinatal period and through the early years. My focus there is educating parents and professionals, through workshops, seminars, and one-to-one care.
Working with parents since 2015, my main belief is that I deeply trust parents to care and work toward the optimal development of their children. I believe they and their children deserve guidance that motivates without manipulating, that accepts and encourage without judging. I found that the PCI Coaching Model aligned perfectly with these beliefs.
I welcome you now to ParentCoachLAB, my new step towards coaching, supporting and empowering parents. I used LAB to combine all my assets, emphasizing the parent-child bond as I strongly believe that relationships are primary.
We can work together starting with pregnancy and infancy. We can explore toddlerhood, childhood, and the early teenage years; work on discipline, child-parent communication, motivation, school issues, child stress, time management, self-care, and so many other issues and challenges that come your way.
Let’s move forward a better world together, raising the future as it deserves. I am really looking forward to working with you to find your own unique way through parenting.
What Parents Say After Coaching With Me
Afroditi helped me to put things in perspective which, in the first place, was very releasing. She also helped me in shifting my focus on the strengths of my family and in being more understanding and accepting of my daughter and myself. By setting short-term, doable goals and by reflecting on what worked well and what didn’t work for us, our daily life has improved. I had also the chance to articulate and thus better realize the cause of the difficulties that we are facing.
What I liked the most in the coaching sessions was that Afroditi was not there to provide ready-made, one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, it was an empowering process which helped me develop effective approaches to my own specific difficulties. Afroditi is a great listener and a professional that you can definitely turn to when looking for support relevant to your needs and parental style.”
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