PCI in the Media

In January, PopSugar interviewed Glora DeGaetano for the article "Parent Coaches Are on the Rise. Should You Hire One?"
The October 20 issue of The Washington Post features quotes by Gloria DeGaetano, PCI Founder/CEO, in the article Colleges Can be COVID-19 hotspots. Here’s How to Talk to Your Kids About Safety.
PCI Certified Parent Coach® Amanda Tinnin was featured in an article about her family support work in the September 9 issue of Gulf News.
The July 17, 2020, issue of Healthline, features quotes by Gloria DeGaetano, PCI Founder/CEO in the article: How the Quantity and Quality of Screen Time Can Affect Children’s Language Skills.
On July 6, 2019, the Parent Coaching Institute, Founder and CEO Gloria DeGaetano, along with two PCI Certified Parent Coaches® were featured in a New York Times article about how parent coaches help parents reduce screen time.
Gloria DeGaetano, PCI Founder/Director published this article in the AI Practitioner that described the Appreciative Parental Voice and how PCI coaches amplify it and help parents apply it in their parenting, bringing more ease and joy for the entire family.
Gloria DeGaetano, PCI Founder/Director was interviewed for this article, providing effective and realistic solutions to those times when little ones interrupt.
Gloria DeGaetano, Founder/Director of PCI, was interviewed for this article on “parenting” coaches. She is grateful she was able to distinguish PCI coaches as parent coaches—not parenting coaches—and that the journalist included that distinction in the article.
September 9, PCI Certified Parent Coach® Amanda Tinnin (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) launches her parenting coaching practice and consultancy, Little Gifts with a free workshop for parents and information in Gulf News.
September 8, PCI Certified Parent Coach® Alejandra Ibieta (Santiago, Chile) contributes excellent ideas in this article in EMOL, bringing hope to parents concerned about their teens.
August, 17, 2017 Carrington Cunnington, PCI Coach (Chicago) was interviewed on The Morning Dose which aired in Dallas and on affiliate stations in Houston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Miami, and Portland Oregon. Carrington discussed how to prepare your child for preschool. Her segment starts at 1 hour and 35 minutes in.
August, 16, 2017 Carrington Cunnington, PCI Coach (Chicago) was interviewed on The Morning Dose which aired in Dallas and on affiliate stations in Houston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Miami, and Portland Oregon. Carrington discussed how to address hidden racism in classic children’s literature. Her segment starts at 30 minutes in.
August, 14, 2017 Carrington Cunnington, PCI Coach (Chicago) was interviewed on The Morning Dose and aired in Dallas and on affiliate stations in Houston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Miami, and Portland Oregon. Carrington discussed what parents can do about an app called Sarahah, where users can post anonymous messages about each other. She gave parents practical tips for proactively addressing social media with their kids as well as how to address a potential online bullying situation.
PCI Certified Parent Coach® Connie Hammer was interviewed for the Web site Special Needs Book Review about her amazing new book, Autism Parenting: Practical Strategies for a Positive School Experience.
Tierney Boggs was interviewed for Career Path of the Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly, July 15-21, 2016. She explains the reasons she chose parent coaching as a career, along with giving solid information about what a parent coach does. A great article to share with potential clients.
Gloria DeGaetano, PCI Founder featured in Psychology Today blog:
April 20, 2016, “Is Your Cell Phone Your Best Friend?”
February 23, 2016, “Have You Lost Your Child to the Internet?”
February 17, 2016, PCI announces that PCI Certified Parent Coach® Alessandra Marazzi Rodel as the company’s exclusive representative in Southeast Asia. Alessandra, a PCI Certified Parent Coach® is also a member of Parent Coach International’s Advisory Board.
January 14, 2016, PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cara Pollard is featured on Next Act for Women. Cara explains what brought her to parent coaching and PCI in particular.
November 4, 2015, PCI welcomes Middle East partnership. PCI Certified Parent Coach® Muna Awad is selected as the company’s exclusive representative in Jordan and the Middle East. Muna, a PCI Certified Parent Coach® is also a member of Parent Coach International’s Advisory Board.
August 2014, PCI Coach Beth Miller (Illinois) was featured in an informative article for parents: "Is Parent Coaching Right for You?" Read it and find out how parent coaching is making a positive difference for many moms and dads.
The PCI and PCI and PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cheryl Camerieri are featured in the March 2014 issue of Health Connection discussing becoming a parent coach and the benefits of parent coaching.
PCI Certified Parent Coach® Barb Bushey featured in an article in January 2013 Metro Parent.
March 25, 2012, the PCI was featured in parent coaching article by GreatSchools.
April 16, 2009, the Web-based publication Divorce Today for dadsdivorce.com interviewed PCI Certified Parent Coach® Connie Hammer about parent coaching and how it supports divorced dads. The interview covered topics including Connie's family support background, the PCI's Parent Coach Certification® Training Program, the value and process of parent coaching, the issues that lead a parent to seek parent coaching, and what Connie believes is a challenge for many divorced dads: maintaining an active and authentic parenting relationship with their child and avoiding the "Disneyland Dad" syndrome. Connie also shared one of her success stories involving parent coaching a divorced dad.
March 13, 2009, Bainbridge Island, Washington's newspaper Bainbridge Island Review includes the article "Hey, Bainbridge families: It's time to 'Unplug'," discussing parents who are trying to raise their children without the heavy influence of media and announcing a program hosted by Madrona School on March 14th with keynote speaker Gloria DeGaetano, Founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute. Gloria will address the ways in which parents and educators can stay connected with kids of all ages in a shifting, media-saturated world.
February 23, 2009, Chicago, Illinois' Chicago Parent magazine includes the article "Happy Kids Begin with Happy Parents" sharing comments and suggestions from Chicago-area experts including Emily McBean and Cathy Cassani Adams, both PCI Certified Parent Coaches®. The article covers the topics of self-care, modeling how we want our kids to feel and act, recognizing and pointing out our children's strengths, monitoring a child's use of technology, reconnecting with your child, finding the joy in parenting, and the definition of "certified parent coach."
February 23, 2009 and May 14, 2008, an interview on Seattle's KING TV Evening Magazine program covered PCI Certified Parent Coach® Karen Bierdeman and her clients. The interview discusses the purpose of parent coaching and how it applies to Karen's clients' challenges with sleep issues, toy throwing, and balancing home life with work and starting a new business.
February 8, 2009, Olympia, Washington's newspaper, The Olympian, includes the article "Parenting Doesn't Have to Include Guilt" with Karen Bierdeman, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, discussing her mission as a parent coach, her background before becoming a parent coach, what a parent coach is, and favorite advice for parents of strong-willed children.
January 27, 2009, Forth Worth, Texas' Fortworth Child magazine interviews four parent coaches in the article "Get in the (Discipline) Game - With a Parent Coach," including PCI Certified Parent Coach® Louise "Weasie" Stewart. Each parent coach is asked how they would advise a parent on seven different "parent predicaments," such as "My kids fight with each other 24/7." The article also includes three steps to choosing a parent coach.
January 27, 2009, Charleston, South Carolina's The Post and Courier includes the article "Parenting Partners" with Latanya Allen, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, giving readers the details of the parent coaching process, whether a parent is in distress or just seeking help with day-to-day challenges. Also quoted in the article is a client of Latanya Allen's as well as Gloria DeGaetano, Founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute.
January 26, 2009, Chicago Parent magazine's February issue includes an article titled "One Deep Breath Can Change an Outcome," beautifully written by Cathy Cassani Adams, PCI Certified Parent Coach® and mother of three young daughters. Any parent of a young child can relate to this heartwarming story of how one mother deals with a bedtime tantrum, both during and after, and the importance of taking taking one deep breath.
November 28, 2008, Seattle's Baby Map magazine's November issue includes the article "Put Me In, Coach! Parents Get Support from Parenting Pros" with Jennifer Watanabe, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, explaining to readers the difference between parent coaching and therapy or the Nanny 911 show.
October 24, 2008, Chicago Parent magazine's November issue includes tips from Cathy Cassini Adams, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, for parents on how to shift their energies from the problems facing this country to focusing on the good with their children, especially during the holiday season.
October 1, 2008, CBS affilliate WCCO in Minneapolis, MN interviewed Lori Jo Kemper, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, for a discussion on how the current economy affects children and how parents can talk with their children about savings and tightening of a family's budget given the current economic climate.
October 2008, Ebony magazine interviewed Pastor Latanya Allen, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, for an article that discusses the benefits of parent coaching and how it can help to address the issues of overworked, stressed parents who need answers and guidance. The article is available in PDF format here on the PCI Web site.
July 13, 2008, The Kitsap Sun interviewed Sound Parent, LLC, the group practice of PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Sally Kidder Davis, Mary Scribner, and Rachel Eden. The article discusses the need for parent coaching and features one of Sound Parent's clients.
June 29, 2008, Gloria DeGaetano, Founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute, was interviewed by Rick Kogan on his popular WGN Chicago radio program Sunday Papers. You can listen to this interesting 12-minute interview online (MP3 format).
June 23, 2008, PCI Certified Parent Coach® Hannah Davis was interviewed in Spokane, Washington's Spokeman Review, discussing the roles of parent coaches and helping a client recognize and adapt to the needs of a 10 year-old foster daughter.
June 2008: "The Paci Party," an article written by PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cathy Cassani Adams was published in the July 2008 issue of Chicago Parent, discusses her daughter's letting go of pacifiers.
June 2008: PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cathi McGrevey was interviewed in the July 2008 issue of the New Hampshire women's monthly The NH Mirror. The issue explores issues surrounding self-care.
On June 19, Alyssa Martina, PCI Certified Parent Coach® and president/publisher of Metro Parent, was featured in The Detroit News discussing the importance of parent coaching to support moms and dads.
June 18, 2008, Fox 7 News in Austin, Texas interviewed PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Sue Beardsley and Mari Ferrell and their client. The segment includes a discussion about parents' need for guidance and support in reaching their full parenting potential and that Sue and Mari's Parent Coaching Associates, LLC is a new resource for parents in the Austin area.
June 2008: an article in the June issue of Parents magazine titled "The New Discipline Rules" includes tips to resolving common parenting challenges from PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Cathy Cassani Adams and Jennifer Wolf.
May 16, 2008, an interview on WCCO TV in Minneapolis with PCI Certified Parent Coach® Lori Jo Kemper discussed pacifiers and thumb sucking.
May 16, 2008, an article in the Round Rock Leader in Round Rock, Texas, discussed the need for parent coaching, with PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Mari Ferrell and Sue Beardsley at Parent Coaching Associates, LLC.
May 15, 2008, WCCO TV in Minneapolis aired a story discussing pacifiers, including input from PCI Certified Parent Coach® Lori Jo Kemper.
May 14, 2008, Fox News Chicago aired an interview with PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cathy Cassani Adams and her client discussing the purpose of parent coaching and her client's challenge with sleep issues and balancing work and home life.
April 15, 2008, an article in Newsweek's Tip Sheet covers parent coaching, including the PCI and PCI grads Sally Kidder Davis and Cathy Adams.
January 11 2008, an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer discusses the benefits of parent coaching, and interviews PCI founder Gloria DeGaetano as well as PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Michelle Golingo, Sally Kidder Davis, and Jennifer Watanabe.
September 13, 2007, the Chicago Tribune interviews PCI Certified Parent Coach® Cathy Adams about her parent coaching practice. (Also republished in the Austin American-Statesman.)
July 3, 2007, an article in The Boston Globe outlines the growing profession of parent coaching and highlights the PCI as the only program certifying parent coaches.
March 30, 2006, Gloria DeGaetano appeared on NBC's Today show discussing the topic of DVDs for young children.
March 2006, the PCI and PCI Parent Coach, Jen Wolf, was featured on an IParenting Site article.
February 23, 2006, Karen Bierdeman, PCI Certified Parent Coach® from Olympia, WA and one of her clients were featured in a TV segment for KOMO News. You can read the text portion here.
January 15, 2006, the PCI was featured in an article in the Sunday section of the King County Journal . A Photo of Gloria speaking was featured on the cover and Debbie Weidner, PCI Parent Coach from Woodinville, Washington, and one of her clients were also featured.
November 2005, Los Angeles PCI student Deborah Stambler appeared on Channel 7 for an ABC news segment, featuring PCI parent coaching with one of Deborah's clients.
September 2005, "Introducing the Parent Coach," Colorado Pike's Peak Parent featured PCI Certified Parent Coach® and Course Instructor Michelle Strickland and the Parent Coaching Institute training model.
September 2005, Positive Thinking Magazine, featuring Gloria DeGaetano as the selected parent coach from the U. S. interviewed on the power of coaching to help stay positive.
Fall, 2005, "Positively Parenting: How a Coach Can Help You Get a First Class Family," Christian Parenting Today, interview with Jen Mangan, PCI Certified Parent Coach®.
August 30, 2005, "Life Coaching, Experts Sought for Guidance in Professional, Personal Lives," San Joaquin County Record, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coach® Linda Moscovic.
June 19, 2005, "Parent Potential: Parent Coach Raelee Pierce helps mothers find fulfillment and their own answers to child-rearing questions," The Chapel Hill News, featuring PCI Parent coach in training, Raelee Pierce.
May 25, 2005, Gloria DeGaetano and PCI Certified Parent Coach® Rachel Eden and one of her clients interviewed for American Public Media's Marketplace, discussing the many benefits of PCI Parent Coaching.
April 7, 2005, The Oregonian, featuring Wilsonville, Oregon PCI coach, Kathy Luiten-Goodwin: "Coaches help mom, dad, see "big picture" in parenting."
March, 2005, Telegraph.co.uk:
"Need Parenting Help? Call Your Coach"
March, 2005, The New York Times, "With Mayhem at Home, They Call a Parent Coach."
March, 2005, Gloria DeGaetano interviewed on Wisconsin NPR.
February, 2005, Ladies Home Journal, "Family Matters."
February, 2005, Redbook, "Give Yourself an Instant Confidence Boost."
January, 12, 2005, The Bainbridge Review, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coaches Sally Kidder Davis, Mary Scribner, Chris Christensen, and Rachel Eden, "Even Parents Can Use a Little Coaching."
January, 2005, Northwest Educator, "Media Literacy for Classroom Teachers," by Gloria DeGaetano.
January, 2005, Parent Map, "Media Literacy for Teens," featuring Gloria DeGaetano.
November, 2004, Seattle's Child, "How Parenting Has Changed in the Last 25 Years," by Gloria DeGaetano.
October, 2004, Glen Ellen News/Wheaton Leader, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coach® Jen Mangan, "Parents Make it with a Little Coaching."
October, 2004, Seattle's Child, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coaches™ Sally Kidder Davis, Mary Scribner, Chris Christensen, and Rachel Eden, "Parent Coaches Offer Help for the Journey through Childhood".
October, 2004, The Peninsula Gateway, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coach® Tina Thomas, "Parents Can Call for Help When the Cheerios Fly."
February, 2004, Better Homes and Garden, "Paging a Parent Coach," featuring the pioneering work of Gloria DeGaetano.
January, 2004, The Chicago Daily Herald, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coach®Jen Mangan, "Parent Coach Offers Helping Hand."
January, 2004, American Way Magazine, "Family Matters: Overworked and perplexed parents turning to a new brand of life-skills teacher—parent coaches," featuring Gloria DeGaetano and the PCI.
December, 2003, Spirit: Southwest Airlines Magazine, "The Parent Coach: An Interview with Gloria DeGaetano, Founder and CEO, The Parent Coaching Institute."
December 2003, PCI Certified Parent Coach® Sally Kidder Davis interviewed on Fox Northwest.
September, 2003, Kevin Neely interviews Gloria DeGaetano, The Ed Buggs Radio Show, WIBR News Talk Radio, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
August, 2003, The Washington Times, "TV Adds to Student Woes," featuring parent advice from Gloria DeGaetano.
Summer, 2003, TV News, NBC-affiliates, "The Parent Coaching Institute," Special interest story aired on in over twenty major cities around the country.
June 25, 2003, Nikkei Marketing Journal of Japan, featuring PCI Certified Parent Coach® Sally Kidder Davis, "Parent Coaching".
June 10, 2003, Jean-Baptiste Su, U.S. Correspondent (West Coast), interviews Gloria DeGaetano for feature article in La Tribune.
June 6, 2003, Gloria DeGaetano appears on The Morning Zone Show, KGAB, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
June 3, 2003, Tony Cox interviews Gloria DeGaetano, The Tavis Smiley Show, NPR.
June 1, 2003, The Sunday London Times, "Focus: Mother's Little Helper".
June 1, 2003, London Observer, "Just Wait Till I Tell…My Coach".
May 29, 2003, Gloria DeGaetano interviewed for Radio over Vermont, WLVB, Morrisville, Vermont.
May 23, 2003, Gloria DeGaetano interviewed for South Africa Mid-Day.
May, 22, 2003, The Wall Street Journal, "Need a Game Plan for a Cranky Kid? Call a Parent Coach," featuring Gloria DeGaetano and her pioneering efforts in the parent coaching industry.