Juliet Marciano, MD
Are you struggling? Do you feel that you don't have anyone who understands the reality of your life?
Parenting can be difficult, especially when your parenting experience isn’t what you expected it would be. Raising children with special needs and extra needs can bring added stress, physical and mental exhaustion, fear for the future, lack of self-care, feelings of isolation, and judgment from yourself and others.
Imagine the relief you’ll feel when you work with someone who has been in your shoes and has made it to the other side!
As a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, a retired pediatrician, and a mother of four young adults, several with extra needs, I know the struggle to “keep it all together” no matter what is going on in your family and the world! As a mindset coach for parents, I support parents of children with special needs and extra needs and help them have a calmer, more conscious, more connected, and more confident parenting experience.
I can help you reclaim the joy of parenting no matter what challenges you face or struggles you encounter. If your child has a physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, or learning difference, I can help. If your family is facing challenging circumstances such as a divorce, a parent’s illness, a death in the family, a new sibling, a change in family dynamics, or a global pandemic, I can help!
I began my career as a pediatrician thirty years ago and practiced pediatrics for over a decade before I retired from practicing medicine. At the time, my family was facing some challenges, and I was having trouble finding information to support my children with extra needs, their siblings, and myself as a parent. Most of the information I was receiving offered suggestions that either weren’t appropriate for my children or were in conflict with my values.
I began a journey of discovery, attending conferences and lectures, reading hundreds of books and articles, speaking to specialists across multiple disciplines, and studying with experts. Using the information I had gathered from so many sources, I was able to find a better way to parent my children and save my family.
As my children grew older and my family continued to thrive with the knowledge and skills I had acquired over the years, I knew I had to share what I had learned, and it became my mission to help other parents to thrive no matter what challenges they faced with their children. That’s what led me to the Parent Coaching Institute. In addition to my Doctor of Medicine degree and Parent Coach Certification®, I have completed the Mindful Schools Mindful Educator Essentials (K-12 Curriculum) Program, the Mindfulness Based Stress Management Program, along with a lifetime of learning. In my coaching work with parents, I use a strength-based, positive-focused approach. I’m able to share what I have learned from the many experts and thought-leaders I’ve encountered and studied with over the years. Some of the people who have made a significant impact in my life as a parent and a professional are Dr. Shefali Tsabary (especially the concept of “Conscious Parenting”), Dr. Daniel Siegel (interpersonal neurobiology and neuroplasticity), Dr. Ross Greene (Collaborative and Proactive Solutions), Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, (mindfulness and meditation), and Dr. Jack Kornfield (mindfulness and meditation). My coaching involves not only general parenting concepts, but also explores the areas of mindfulness, neuroscience, resilience, conscious parenting, problem-solving, motivation, and managing a healthy relationship with digital media and screen technology, and more.
I have participated in digital summits and conferences, have been a podcast guest, and am a member of the Main Line, Pennsylvania, hub of “Vesta: A New Vision for Divorce,” a collaborative team of divorce professionals dedicated to improving the divorce experience for individuals and families.
Because I coach by phone or video calls, I’m able to work with parents anywhere in the world. I love helping parents bring about the transformative change they desire that will impact their families for generations to come! After working with me, parents are able to take their family from pain to possibility and lead their family to thrive!
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