
We welcome applications from qualified professionals who meet these minimum criteria:

Please Note: These are minimum qualifications for applying and do not guarantee your acceptance into the program.

The program was designed for family support professionals seeking a parent coaching model. We discourage applications from life and/or business coaches as we do not provide training in parenting education.

Next Application Deadlines

PCI begins new classes twice yearly—Spring and Fall.

Sept 2025
Jun 1–Aug 22
Aug 22

If you have questions about PCI's application process, please e-mail: info@thepci.org or call the PCI office directly:

Please note: Spaces are limited. We accept applicants based on their qualifications and date of application. If you apply late, we may not have room for you in the upcoming quarter. However, if you qualify for Parent Coach Certification® Training, and no room is available in the upcoming quarter, you will be put on a waiting list if you so desire.

About Our Required Cohort Discussions: Ninety-minute audio-only cohort discussions are conducted twice a month via Zoom. We usually form several cohorts at varying times and can accommodate most work schedules, offering cohort discussions in the morning (Pacific time) or as late as 4PM (Pacific time).

Contact us to learn more about schedule options. And please know, that we record all our classes and post them on the Student Portal, so if something comes up and you can't be on a call, you do not have to miss a thing.

Three Easy Steps for Applying to the PCI

Take these three easy steps to apply for Parent Coach Certification® through the PCI:

Step 1

Submit the PCI Application along with the non-refundable application process fee. Within three weeks, submit official sealed transcripts and two letters of recommendation.

Download the PCI Training Program Application

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Fillable PDF documents require a compatible browser or program.

You may request an application or submit questions by emailing info@thepci.org.

Step 2

Qualified applicants will be contacted to participate in a phone interview.

Step 3

Successful candidates receive the PCI agreement form for review and submit one signed copy, along with payment, to the PCI. When signed agreement form and payment are received, incoming students receive access to PCI’s Student Portal and course materials.