Sheryl Stoller
Those of us who have children with extreme emotions and behaviors that go beyond our expectations—we experience extreme challenges far too regularly. I devote myself to coaching parents in these circumstances.
I was one of them, and on occasion, still am. The intensity of our children’s emotions and behaviors is beyond anything we could have imagined, and it is understandably often matched by the intensity of our reactions. What is less obvious, and less easily understood, is that the intensity of their emotions and behaviors is often directly related to their levels and types of abilities, sensibilities, and talents.
My active private practice is comprised of parents of intense, emotional children whose abilities, sensibilities, and talents span a broad range, in degree as well as type. Additionally, I am honored to be working with Andrew Mahoney and his team at The Center for Identity Potential. Andrew has brought me in for the purpose of providing compassionate individualized coaching for the parents of the children they serve—children who are or are suspected to be gifted on any dimension, gifted with learning differences (GTLD/twice exceptional), and gifted with asynchronous development.
My life raising three extremely intense twice exceptional children who were affected by asynchronous development included a descent into a deep hole and a hard journey back to well being. To say I have grown and learned so much in the process is an understatement. The word “gratitude” only scratches the surface in expressing what I feel now. Our children, two boys and a girl, are now flourishing young adults who are true to the essence of themselves, bringing their gifts to the world and to relationships. They are savoring the joys of life while also feeling and adeptly navigating and learning from the churning seas and storms.
When it is useful to my clients, I share from my personal experience, and from my children’s. In addition, I bring my professional experience as a parent coach, the training through PCI’s graduate level program, and ongoing academic training in a number of fields, including: neuroscience of relationships, explosive behavior, anxiety, mindfulness, motivation, gifted/twice-exceptionality, current practical resources targeting complex (and) gifted children; studying with Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Gloria DeGaetano; and webinars with others, such as Dr. Daniel Siegel. I bring all of it to each moment with the parents I serve.
Compassionately and strategically combining my background with your gifts, knowledge, and expertise about your family, we find what works well for you to lead your family on their path to well being, and for you to be able to sustain that beyond the time of our working together. The shifts occur on various levels, from mindset to practical tactics and customized tools. They are yours forever.
As you finish reading this, please let yourself savor any relief and hope that you are feeling. I am here, and should you be ready to have me join you, I would be honored to collaborate with you on this leg of your journey.
I invite you to contact me directly at sheryl@stollerparentcoaching.com or call me at (708) 358-8289. For more about me as a coach, and as a speaker at local (Chicago area), state, and national levels, please visit my Web site. I look forward to hearing from you.
What Parents Say After Coaching With Me
Please understand my withholding sharing testimonials here. I hold the confidentiality of the parents I coach to be sacrosanct, and do not want to ask them to share their names here. Their tributes to our work together are on my Web site, anonymously, yet with brief phrases describing their circumstances. I welcome your reading their testimonials there.- Browse by Location
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