I can help you be the parent that you are striving to be. All it takes is a series of coaching conversations plus weekly homework of your choosing. Do you dream about a peaceful day at home? Or more spontaneous fun with your family? Do you want your kids to behave, your stress to go down, your parenting partnership to feel more aligned?

I don't know what it is you want, but I know that my process of eight to twelve coaching conversations can help you find the small changes that will get you there with ease. You already work hard at parenting, why not feel great about it too?

I bring my experience as a research scientist, and as the mom of three children, to my parent coaching sessions. I feel victorious in parenting when my children feel proud of themselves. I would rather have meaningful conversations about improving someone's life than just about anything else. I don't want you to parent more like me, I want you to parent more like yourself. I love all ages and stages of parenting: expecting, newborns, toddlers, school age, teens, college-ready, launched, returned, and full-adult children.

What Parents Say After Coaching With Me

I found the experience of working with Kathryn to be illuminating and life changing in how I looked at parenting. I went into it thinking I would learn about being a better parent to my kids and instead I came out of it learning so much about being a truer version of myself. The weekly prompts were thought provoking and talking things through with Kathryn always helped me to look at things in a new perspective. She is a true gem, and is called to do this work. You won't regret the investment in yourself and your family.
Seattle, Washington
Parent coaching with Kathryn exceeded every expectation that I had. She helped me identify things that I wanted to improve both in myself and my relationship with my kids and her supportive coaching helped me achieve everything that I wanted. Guiding me to find the tools that make me a better mom has brought my family together in a noticeable way. Getting things done as a family unit is considerably easier and my whole family is having more fun! Her ability to help me shift my perspective on my children and their individual needs has allowed everyone in my family to feel closer to one another. She really made me feel seen as a parent and a person. Every session we had together was one that I looked forward to, and every session left me feeling confident and re-energized. I can't recommend her enough.
Bellingham, Washington
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