Are You Facing Challenging Behaviors?

Are defiance, tantrums, lying, or sneaking behaviors becoming commonplace in your home, leaving you feeling overwhelmed or defeated by your alpha child?

Is There a Constant Demand to Entertain?

Do you struggle with the notion that being a good parent means keeping your children constantly entertained, and how is this affecting your enjoyment of motherhood and family life?

Are Big Feelings Overwhelming?

How do you navigate the emotional landscape of parenting, especially when faced with your child's intense emotions, without resorting to yelling or punitive measures?

As a PCI Certified Parent Coach® my coaching approach is deeply rooted in understanding the developmental needs of children and the natural dynamics of family relationships. Recognizing that behavior challenges often stem from unmet needs, I guide parents towards a compassionate, connection-first strategy, where the emphasis is placed on building strong, nurturing bonds rather than power struggles. This approach fosters an environment where children feel understood and valued, leading to more cooperative and harmonious interactions.

In addressing the pressure to constantly entertain, I guide parents towards embracing the simplicity of parenting, cultivating an environment where less truly is more. Together, we explore ways to encourage your child's imagination and independence through unstructured play. This not only lifts the weight of constant entertainment but also fosters deeper connections within your family, enriching your lives with meaningful, shared experiences of discovery.

When dealing with intense emotions, my coaching introduces practical emotional regulation strategies that start with the parent. I emphasize the “Connect, then Direct” technique, which encourages establishing a moment of connection with your child before addressing any behavior. This method solidifies your role as an emotional anchor, creating a calm, understanding atmosphere that turns challenging moments into opportunities for growth and deeper familial bonds.

Innerlife Parenting Offers:

  • Mom Reset Coaching Package
 12 Weekly 60-minute Coaching Sessions
  • Monthly Book Club

  • Monthly Interactive Webinars
  • Free 30-minute Conversation Starter

What Parents Say After Coaching With Me

This is not a quick route but worth every step of the journey. The transformation in our home has been almost night and day. We were all exhausted, tired and completely disconnected from each other. But now, after working with Raelee, we are enjoying our family dinners every night and bedtime is no longer a 2 hr fiasco. I feel more connected and relaxed after learning what my son really needed rather than reacting to the behaviors we were seeing. This has resulted in a happier kid and household!
Lena F.
Mother to eight year-old
Durham, North Carolina
A major WIN this week—it has been a BREEZE to get her down for bed. Almost every day this week she has been asleep by the first or second check in and she wakes up happy with tons of energy. We feel like for really the first time we have real evenings! Thanks SO MUCH Raelee. Jude putting on his coat is always a huge struggle but thanks to our convo today I said ’Jude! Here is your knight's armor!’ As I handed him his jacket and for the first time in forever he EXCITEDLY put it on! I’m feeling so inspired and full of hope! I can definitely feel a small shift happening within me. I don’t know if I’ve done that much differently this week but I can just see how seemingly everything is pointing me toward this self compassion and meeting my own needs. I can see the smallest awakening within me being like ‘Okay Clare, maybe you should actually do this. We can actually commit to some self compassion and self care!’ It’s been really really small changes so far (slow learner!) but I can feel the same awakening that I’ve felt before major life shifts.
Clare L.
Mother to seven, five, four, and two year-olds—and pregnant
Rockland, Maine
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