Why are we so sure we can help that we guarantee you positive results?
We know what we’re doing. We’ve helped thousands of parents resolve screen time issues.
Coaching parents to resolve screen time issues has been our business for over two decades. We’re experts who understand kids and kids’ brains. With the PCI Coaching Model™ you experience an innovative, effective approach that produces rapid results. Our track record speaks for itself.
It’s our passion. We are dedicated to you and to your family.
Coaching parents is our vocation. (And we like to live our vocation!) Plus it is really awesome to see struggling parents discover more ease and joy, leaving screen time issues behind for once and for all. We are thrilled to co-create with you a new reality for your family in technological times.
We understand your difficulties. Our society makes it so hard for parents to set screen boundaries.
Our coaching is filled with tremendous respect for you and your family. There’s no shame, blame, or guilt tripping. Ever. With gentle compassion, we invite, never force, new ideas. You are always in the driver’s seat. Every choice is always your choice.
We personalize. We want what works for you and for your family’s unique situation.
Our coaching questions powerfully support your clarity on what matters most to you. We ensure that you receive what you seek.
We focus on strengths. You, your children, and your family harbor tremendous creative capacity.
Our coaching helps you tap into and activate key strengths, unleashing positive energy and sustaining solutions. What didn’t seem possible before PCI coaching now becomes your new reality. Guaranteed!